
All of my Nepenthes are grown in full sun except for my lowlanders indoors under fluorescent lighting. Some are on tables and others are in hanging baskets. Most Nepenthes do like a lot of sunlight and growing them in shaded locations can have adverse effects. The Nepenthes that receive the most sun produce waxy leaves and are more on the light green to yellowish side. Other Nepenthes that are more shaded produce softer, darker green leaves and appear weaker. 

New arrivals that I grow outdoors do experience a transitioning period with increased light levels. I've noticed that new Nepenthes are generally a darker green than my acclimated Nepenthes outdoors and the leaves tend to be less waxy and a bit softer. When I put them outside with the higher light levels outdoors, the oldest leaves will generally turn light brown over a few days while the leaves closest to the growing tip get very waxy. The plant will look somewhat awful for a month or two until the new growth gets going and eventually I will trim off the old dead leaves. This can all be avoided with shade cloth to protect the new plant as it acclimates to higher light levels, but I got rid of my shade cloth and just put them directly outside. I'm not recommending this because most growers don't want their Nepenthes to get burned up and drop all of their pitchers after receiving their plants, but it works for me. Surprisingly, I don't think I've ever lost a Nepenthes to increased light levels although some plants that weren't greenhouse hardened did look awful and took months to recover. That's why I buy my plants from vendors that harden their plants for a few months to minimize the damage going directly outdoors when I get them. Also, leaves will lighten up or "yellow" a bit. Red spots on the leaves or edges will be visible as the plant is adjusting to its new environment. As the plant settles in, a healthy Nepenthes will have nice new growth and look "vigorous." 

One other note about light. After speaking with some other growers, they commented on flowering Nepenthes. They suggested that growing outdoors and increased lighting may have something to do with inducing flowering in some Nepenthes. Since I grow outdoors in the northern hemisphere my photo periods are not the same as the tropics or under lights with timers. Spring and fall seems to be when my outdoor Nepenthes flower the most. Temperature may also play a role in this as well. Plants do flower when temperatures rise and sunlight increases as it does in spring. Multiple plants of the same species and hybrids tend to flower at the same time as well providing they are of about the same size. This is just an observation and is by no means to be taken as scientific data. 

Light is one element to healthy Nepenthes growing. Poor lighting results in poor Nepenthes health. Nepenthes grown under artificial light like in terrariums or grow chambers produce some of the most spectacular pitchers I've seen. I used to grow my first Nepenthes under grow lights with great results. You can also supplement indoor Nepenthes with lights on a grow rack if desired as well. The information I provide is from my experience growing my Nepenthes in an atypical environment outdoors. My Nepenthes experience cosmetic damage as a result of growing outdoors and some die due in part to lighting issues that I cannot control. But overall, Nepenthes are resilient plants and will do well in a variety of environments with a little experimentation.
