N. reinwardtiana "red bulbous"
purchase date: 11 / 01
arrived as a rooted cutting
plant origin: CP Jungle
photo taken: 6 / 04

photo taken 10 / 03

N. reinwardtiana "Pasia Red"
purchase date: 11 / 02
arrived as a size 3
plant origin: Malesiana Tropicals
photo taken: 7 / 05

N. reinwardtiana "f"
purchase date: 8 / 06
arrived as a rooted cutting
plant origin: Exotica Plants
photo taken: 11 / 06

Nepenthes reinwardtiana comes in a few color varieties now. It used to be primarily green, but now has some red options. I grow three varieties; N. reinwardtiana "red bulbous", "pasia red" and "f". This species is known for its 2 "eyespots" located on the back wall of the pitcher. You can't see them in this picture, but you can find them in various carnivorous plant books etc. N. reinwardtiana is a vigorous species that can be grown as a lowlander, intermediate, and highlander. I grow my three varieties outdoors yearround mainly because N. reinwardtiana occurs in highland altitudes and I have very limited indoor growing space. My three varieties do slow down considerably in winter. My red bulbous variety tends to suffer more in winter than my  red forms. My guess would be that both forms would prefer intermediate to lowland conditions over highland conditions. Other vendors have told me that N. reinwardtiana is a quick growing species that roots well from cuttings. If I were to grow these guys as indoor plants, I would suspect they would be quite a bit bigger than they are now. I think N. reinwardtiana would be an excellent candidate to experiment with as a windowsill plant because it is relatively inexpensive and a vigorous grower. If grown outdoors, expect slow growth in winter with possible leaf damage, but will rebound nicely when warmer temperatures return. 

 lowlander / intermediate / highlander  0m-2100m

Cultivation: easy; quick grower, great starter plant; can take lower temps outdoors but may benefit being moved indoors during cold winter months
Market availability: size 3, larger plants and  rooted cuttings; common
Species variability: green, red bulbous, Pasia red, and other clones and locality names
$ / size: inexpensive to expensive; $15.00 to $75.00 + for large plants and cuttings, especially the all red forms
Cuttings: none available for trade
Sex: unknown