N. aptera
purchase date: 3 / 04
arrived as a size 3
plant origin: Malesiana Tropicals
photo taken:  8 / 04

Nepenthes species #6 originated from Malesiana Tropicals. As of late they are referring to this plant as N. aptera. Originally it was named N. alpicola but was then changed. I've seen the plant available through Malesiana Tropicals and Borneo Exotics. Malesiana Tropicals has a short profile describing this new species as growing in North Sumatra with characteristics similar to N. bongso. I'm growing this guy outdoors with my other highlanders and it appears to be an easy grower so far. It is a moderate grower that has had no problems adapting to outdoor conditions. Maybe over time more information about N. aptera will surface.

highlander 1600 m

Cultivation: easy, moderate grower
Market availability: size 3; limited but should be more common as Malesiana Tropicals and Borneo Exotics release more plants.
Species variability: none that I'm aware of
$ / size: expensive $80.00 and up
Cuttings: none available for trade
Sex: unknown