
Unfortunately from time to time Nepenthes fall prey to pests that can injure, mutilate, disfigure, and even destroy the plant. Luckily, with careful observation, most fatal pest problems can be eliminated before your plant goes permanently south! Since I grow all my highlanders outdoors without using a greenhouse, they are vulnerable to more pests than Nepenthes grown in isolated environments. This is by no means a comprehensive list of every pest that attacks Nepenthes. I imagine a person growing Nepenthes in the Eastern part of the United States will encounter some different pests that I haven't encountered here in California. However, I can provide some "red flags" or observations from my experiences that may help other growers respond to their Nepenthes' needs when they fall ill.


Pesticides should be used as a last resort for treating plants. Obviously because they are chemicals, they could harm or even kill your Nepenthes. It's hard to go into a nursery and find people who have good information about pesticides for carnivorous plants. I have yet to find one label that lists carnivorous plants and how to treat them for pests. Most of my experience has come from treating orchids with the same pests as my Nepenthes as for which pesticides to use. I've experimented with a few different kinds and the one that works the best for me is Ortho Systemic Insect Killer. Formerly called Isotox. The label states that it protects the entire plant from chewing and sucking insects. Perfect! I mix up a gallon at a time as for the directions on the label. I think it's about 3 tablespoons or 1 1/2 fluid oz. per gallon of water. I then transfer the mix into a spray bottle and have at the little suckers. I only spray what part is infested and try to use it sparingly. I've had no leaf burn, pitcher drop off, or plant death from using this product. It's great on Nepenthes, Sarracenias, Flytraps and orchids too because it doesn't hurt the blooms. Once again, WHAT WORKS FOR ME MAY NOT WORK FOR YOU! When in doubt, call a reputable vendor who you buy your Nepenthes from and ask them what they recommend as well. I would imagine they have far more knowledge than I possess for treating diseases with their Nepenthes.
